The 4400 Wiki
The 4400 Wiki
The 4400 Wiki

Those with this ability can see visions of past events that are the cause of strong emotions in the people around them. For example, if someone has a feeling of sadness within them, the user will feel it, then experience a vision of the event that caused that sadness. In these visions he/she can see events, names and even sense the feelings and thoughts of the people involved in that particular event. For this power to work, he/she must be conversing with the person.

Todd Barstow is a "4400" who disappeared August 29, 1995. He sensed a great sadness within Alana Mareva and later had a vision of the car accident that killed her husband and son, giving Alana the name of the drunk driver responsible.

See Also[]

The 4400 Abilities edit

Ability neutralizationAlternate reality projectionAnimal ControlAnxiety ReliefAstral ProjectionBlood Oxygen ControlBody duplicationBody Temperature ControlClaircognizanceCompel worshipEidetic MemoryElectricity ControlEmpathyEmpathic PostcognitionEnhanced physiologyFear inductionGenetic healingGill breathingHallucination inductionHallucinogenic scenariosInduced precognitionInduced unconsciousnessInvisibilityLife force manipulationLuminescenceMemory ErasureMetabolism accelerationMind ControlMusical Instrument ProficiencyOptical CamouflageOxidationPheromone DetectionPhytokinesisPollution eliminationPotential realizationPrecognitionProbability AlterationPromicin diffusionPsychosis inductionPyrokinesisRage InciterRegenerationRejuvenation Liquid SecretionRemote ViewingScent TrackingSense ManipulationSonic screamSuper intelligenceTechnopathyTelekinesisTelepathyTelepathic ProjectionTeleportationThermokinesisToxin-emitting sporesTransmutationTruth CompulsionVocal persuasionWater manipulation
